Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunday blues...

I think colds come on right at the worst possible time.

You know, right when you have a ton of stuff going on, everything is going great, then BOOM. I feel it coming on today.

Hopefully it passes soon.

I was talking the other day with a teacher I work with and she said something that really stuck with me.  She said she wants to the be type of person that other people look at and say "wow, I really want to be like her."

It got me thinking.  Am I the type of person that people look at and want to be like?  I'm not sure. But that is the type of person that I want to start being.  When I'm stressed out, I tend to have a short fuse with people. Let me tell ya, I've been pretty stressed out lately.  I feel like I'm ruining something great without even meaning to.  Therefore, comes my 21st birthday resolutions:
1.  Don't sweat the small stuff.  I mean really.  Does it really matter if someone looks at me the wrong way or says something that sits with me funny?
2.  Stop believing the worst in everyone. I'm really bad about this one.  I jump to conclusions and always think the worst.  
3.  Give as much as I can. I know people get wrapped up in Christmas and the "giving" spirit, but I want mine to last all year round.  God has blessed me more than enough, and there is no reason for me not to give back. 
4. Be more thankful.  Going back to #3, God has blessed me with more than enough.  There is no reason for me to take it for granted.  I have been blessed with the ability to work, a wonderful family, and a roof over my head.  
5. Leave the rest to God.  Enough said. 

So there they are.  My 5 "21st Birthday Resolutions."  (even though they'll start a week before my actual birthday.)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

blah, blah, blah

I hate to get on here and only rant, but today? That's about all I've got.

1. I seriously can't stand people who blame anyone and everyone else for their problems.  Seriously? get a life.
2. I can't stand when people don't do your job.  You were hired for a reason.  You decided to show up to work for a reason.  Stop being lazy, and do the job you were hired to do.  
3. I can't stand liars.  Seriously? I am the world's worst liar, and therefore I think it makes me a human lie detector.  Stop lying and own up to your decisions.
4. This rain is horrible.  So over it.
5. More episodes of Desperate Housewives need to come to Netflix.  I'm almost out.
6. I know it's almost Thanksgiving and everything, but my kids seriously need to calm down.  You'd think it was a full moon.

That's all I've got for today.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Test day anxiety ...

I think over the years I have learned to hate standardized tests of any type.  I know sometimes they may be necessary, but really? Is teaching to the test really as beneficial as teaching the information that students need in order to progress and succeed in life?  I'll save that rant for another day.

This morning, I'm about to go take the Praxis II which determines not only if I can get a teaching license, but a job in January.  aka: it's a big deal.  I've already taken half of it with means this morning all I have to take is the writing portion.  But did I study? Not nearly as much as I probably should have.

I have never been great at studying.  I've learned to get by over the years without studying at all.  My philosophy? If I can get by with an A- not studying at all, why be the overachiever trying to be that person we all hate who make 100s on everything? 

I hope it doesn't come back and bite me in the butt this time! 

Also on the agenda for this weekend is shopping for a birthday dress (15 more days! ahh!) and the Panthers vs. Tennessee game tomorrow with daddy! 

Hope everyone has a spectacular fall weekend!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Vow.

It's very rare that just a 2 minute trailer can make me cry.  This one did me in last night, though.

If you haven't seen it yet,

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Ohh, Tuesdays.

Is anyone else just as ready for this long weekend as I am?  
I know my kids are.  As much as I love them, they have just been wild lately.  I never raise my voice with them--ever.  Yesterday, I did just that.  I feel like sometimes I am speaking another language without even realizing it.  I think we are all ready for a nice long break. 

Lately, my addiction to Desperate Housewives has become slightly ridiculous. 

Netflix is killing taking over my free time.  For some reason, I have totally submerged my life in the lives of the women on Wisteria Lane.  Unhealthy or a nice brain break from reality?

Sorry for such a short post--too exhausted for tonight! More to come tomorrow.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Quack Quack.

Today is one of the best days of the year.  It's practically a holiday.  A day full of camo, orange, and lots of festivities.

What is this fabulous holiday, you might ask?

Mallard Ball.

Unfortunately, I'm too much of a workaholic lately that I forgot to take off work tomorrow and wont be at this fabulous celebration tonight. 

Mallard Ball, 2010
Best Mallard Ball date. Ever

Sometimes I really regret that I'm graduating early.  Not living near campus and being inactive from my sorority had really taken its toll on my social life.  Anyway, since I'm in depression about this whole missing out on my last semester of college deal, I decided to take a break from school for the weekend and relax.  That is right. No lesson plans, no grading papers, and most of all, no impact project. And I cannot wait. 

I had this whole long blog post planned out for today, and unfortunately, the sight of old mallard pictures made me too upset to write a happy-go-lucky post.
What are you looking forward to this weekend?

Thursday, November 3, 2011

King Kong.

I think Thursdays are my favorite days of the week.  Why? 1. It means tomorrow is Friday. 2. It means playground day for recess.

I have two autistic children in my classroom, and they are probably the most precious students ever.  (Actually, I think I was blessed with the most adorable 3rd grade class ever. I am so thankful.)
Anyway, while on the playground today, one of them, we can call him "J" decided that he was going to be King Kong.  He climbed up on part of the spiral thing on the playground (you know, the thing you can climb up that is in a spiral shape that no one can really figure out what they were for?), holds on with one hand, leans out, and starts beating on his chest like a monkey. 

I swear, sometimes my kids make my whole day.

I was thinking today that I get too wrapped up in my class and in school work that I forget to think about myself. Funny how teaching can do that to you.  I sat down to begin my Christmas and Birthday lists today.  Normally, with my birthday 3 weeks away, I would have been finished for a month! I honestly can't think of anything to put on these lists!  Any suggestions?

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I'm back, na na na na na.

Well I'm back!  For good this time, I promise!

What have I been doing since I've been gone, you might ask?

Teaching.  Since student teaching has started, I have devoted basically every ounce of my heart and soul to my 3rd graders, and I have loved every moment of it.  There is truly nothing like going into school everyday and having a class of twenty 8 and 9 year olds to make you feel like a rock star.  I cannot believe that it has flown by, and I'll be graduating in a month and a half!

Working.  In addition to teaching 5 days a week, I also work as a hostess at a nice restaurant here in Charlotte.  I try to work about 3 or 4 shifts a week in order to start saving up my money for after graduation.  While it is exhausting going from school to work, I enjoy being able to do something that gets my mind off school every once in a while. 

Papers.  This whole impact project for student teaching?  Sucks.  I'm so ready to submit the final product next week.  Then I'm officially done with papers for undergrad career.

Having fun.  The new boy in my life has made me incredibly happy.  More about it will come, I promise:).

I've been absolutely loving life lately, even though I feel like it is flying by. 

I would love to fill you all in on the past few months, but there is too much work to be done for tonight!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Technology disaster.

Well I officially hate technology.  For the past week and a half, my computer for some reason refused to let me log into my google account! Therefore I have been completely MIA from the blogging world!! Ridiculous.

Anyway I'm back and in action, finally!

Not much has happened recently, just been working and getting ready for the start of camp!  We start in a week from tomorrow, and I cannot wait!

I also have decided to be athletic and train for a half marathon.  This is quite funny, since I'm super unathletic at the moment.  I've done pretty well though and have kept up with it for the first week!  Running everyday is getting a little easier, although I think my body hates me somewhat for just jumping into running.  The half marathon is in 15 weeks, on September 17th.  It's exciting and I can't wait to actually follow through with it. 

For now, I'll leave you with one of my favorite songs:)
Found here!

"‘Cause I heard Jesus, He drank wine
And I bet we’d get along just fine
He could calm a storm and heal the blind
And I bet He’d understand a heart like mine

I’ll fly away
From it all one day
I’ll fly away

These are the days that I will remember
When my name’s called on the roll
He’ll meet me with two long-stemmed glasses
Make a toast to me coming home

Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 1.

I'm still relatively new to this whole blogging world, so I figured I'd try out the 30 day challenge to let you all get to know me better! Enjoy

Day 1: Picture of yourself and 10 random facts

This picture was taken on my last day of my internship with 5th graders.  I miss them all everyday!

  1. My favorite time of the day is when the sun is going down, right before sunset.  I love how the sky changes colors and the way the sun makes everything look prettier.
  2. Being near a body of water always has the ability to calm me down and make me feel better.  It doesn't matter if it's a lake, river, ocean, etc.  It instantly puts me in a better mood.
  3. I'm addicted to crime TV shows.  I could watch Law and Order: SVU, Criminal Minds, CSI, and NCIS all day long.
  4. I know I talk about it all the time, but I am also addicted to camp.  I love the sight of kid running around playing in the field, climbing the rock wall, counselors singing with their campers, shooting bows and arrows, swimming, doing arts and crafts, and being silly.  This is going to be my third summer working at camp, and the past two have definitely been the best and most rewarding summers of my life.
  5. Sometimes I really think that diet coke still is made with cocaine, because it is so addicting.  I could drink it at any time of the day, all day long.  I could say the same about a good glass of sweet ice tea.
  6. I love traveling, and I wish I had unlimited money so I could travel everywhere I want.  I love being able to experience the culture and see famous landmarks and just get out of my ordinary, everyday routine.  (and yes, I did take the pictures in my header in France and Japan)
  7. I have never really lived anywhere other than my hometown (I feel like my three years in a small college town don't count).  I have plans in the works to change this after graduation in December, but won't give away all the details yet, until I know for sure! 
  8. My siblings are the best.  I have two little brothers (when I say little, I mean 2 and 4 years old) who are so full of energy and fun.  They can drive me crazy sometimes, but I wouldn't ever trade them for anything.  I also have two sisters.  They are not so young, but I love them as well:)
  9. I cannot wait to start teaching and to have a classroom of my own. I love being with kids and teaching them and seeing the positive influence that I can have.
  10. Passing of time never ceases to amaze me.  It is crazy how time flies by sometimes.  I wish I could press pause or at least slow it down! 
Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Lazy Saturday

Random Thoughts of the day..

  • What's with all this "end of the world" business? I don't get it! 
  • I think my 2 little brothers being sick is one of the saddest things that I've seen.  Spenc almost had to be admitted to the hospital this morning because he wasn't getting enough oxygen.  Thankfully he is okay for now.
  • The graphics on the old Harry Potter movies are absolutely horrible.
  • As much as I love laying around in bed all day, I really can't wait for camp to start
  • I have recently been obsessed with the Adele song "Rolling in the Deep"  and if you haven't heard it, you should probably go listen to it here.
  • I am seriously upset that the pool doesn't open until next weekend.  Today was gorgeous and sunny, but I can't go to the pool! 
  • I reaaalllly want to go back to Disneyland
  • The thought of going to work tonight depresses me

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Missing in Action

I have been MIA for far too long, so sorry!

It's been a whirlwind of a few weeks, filled with planning, meetings, and work.  It feels so good to be productive again and to get stuff done that I enjoy doing and that isn't school busy work!

On a side note, I would just like to say that I really hate people who steal things.  Last night between the hours of 4 and 9, my phone went mysteriously missing, and I would really like to know how that happens.  So now it's no more pretty blackberry storm for me:(.  I'm back to my old school pink blackberry with a mostly broken space bar that I can't remember how to work.  COOL, right?

I love summer. I love sand, I love the beach, I love the sun. I love no school. I love camp.  But these summer cold fronts and cold thunderstorms have GOT to go.  I'm sick of winter clothes--I want to wear shorts and sun dresses and not freeze! However, if we had a mild summer while we were at camp, I would not complain!!

My new aspiration is go to to Las Vegas for my birthday in November.  I know it's a long way off, but I'm already starting a "birthday trip savings" in order to go!  I was actually really surprised at the deals you can get going out there.  I know everything in vegas is wayy more expensive though, so it might take me the whole 6 months to save enough money to have as much fun as I want.  Horray birthdays! Only 6 more months:)

Hope everyone is doing well:)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

There's Gotta be Something more...

What a weekend.  It's Saturday night, and yes I'm chillin' out at home.

I sat down today and really got thinking about how much my life has changed in the past year.  A year ago I moved out of my apartment with my best friend and had a fabulous month to spend with my then-boyfriend doing nothing but taking trips to Savannah, visiting the zoo, and thought I had the rest of my life planned and sorted out. I knew last year exactly where I would be in a year.

Now here I am, home again from school but this time for good, and 100% single.  I can honestly say I haven't been that way in a while, and that I have no idea where I will be in a year, and it's a pretty scary thought.  With graduation only 6 months away, I still have no idea where I will be student teaching, where I'll be living, where I will find a job.

I sometimes sit and just wonder where life will take me.  I know it's all part of God's plan, but not knowing just sucks.. It's been a few of the most life changing and eye opening times in my life. And honestly, I hate it.

I hate not knowing anything.  I've always been the person to plan out every detail of everything, and it's a weird feeling not being able to. It's time for me to let go.

Anyway, enough of my whining.  I've been so thankful these past few weeks to really find out who my real friends are, as cliche as that sounds.  I'm thankful to have some of the best friends I could ask for, who I know will sit and listen to me complain or cry for any extended period of time, and I don't know what I would do without them.

I had a pretty long night last night, so here I am sitting and recovering writing to you all.  But, tomorrow is Mother's Day.  It's always an interesting day, because I don't live with my mom or anywhere near my mom.  I have to split my time in between my step-mom and my mom.  My life without either of them would be drastically different.

I feel like way too often, step-moms get a bad rep.  Why? I don't know.  I've essentially grown up with mine though, since I was 7.  It's crazy to think about how long I've actually known her and all the ways she has influenced my life.  I'd be lost without her!

Now it's time for me to catch up on my reading list which has been neglected for far too long.  Tonight starts Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.  Anyone read it?

Night all!

Quote of the day:
"Your destiny never depends on anyone or anything that leaves your life. Or on a desire that doesn’t end up being fulfilled. Let go of what you wanted."
-Pastor Steven Furtick

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

This year, in a nutshell.

Junior/Senior year of college, in pictures.

 Beta Thetas on bid day! 

Afer homecoming lipsync

80s Bid Day mixer! 

Big Sissy visits for ASU football! 

Hoedown throwdown quad

Halloween goes Jersey

Visit to Florida

Love the Mountains/Cut my hair off! 


Best Mallard Ball date, EVER.
Best roommate ever

Trip to Japan

Barbie debuts

Born in the USA Mixer

Aubree's Bridal Shower

Bridesmaid dress shopping

More Barbie adventures

Aubree's surprise bachelorette party! 

Future BIL!

Siblings at the rehearsal 

Big sissy is married!! 

Saturday Night Fever Mixer


Greek Week! 

Lipsync--1st place!! 

Band Quad

Well, that has essentially been my year.  Hope you've enjoyed! :)

Monday, May 2, 2011


If you know me at all, you know that summertime is my favorite time of year.  But this year summer means just a little bit more.

Why, you may ask?  Because this summer is the last summer I will spend as a college student.  Today was my last official day of work to turn in, and after spending countless hours working on projects, papers, analyzing student work, and writing lesson plans, I have finally finished with one of the busiest semester's of school ever.  And it feels damn good to be done.

Today was a gorgeous day in the mountains.  Sometimes I feel that I have really taken for granted this beautiful place I have been lucky enough to live for the past three years. It really hit me that I will only be living here for two more days, then it's off to the real world of student teaching and trying to find jobs.

 I mean really, how gorgeous is this view?  How can I leave this forever?

Anyway, all depressing thoughts of moving away aside, I cannot wait for summer because summer means....

My summer days are taken over by camp, and I love it. I am the theme camp director this year, I could not be more excited. Theme camps aren't going to know what hit them!

Now that I'm done with school, my next month will be spent planning activities, games, and crafts for camps that range from animal camp to pirate camp, and everything in between! 

What else will I ever to to fill my time?

  • redesign my blog  finished today! 
  • Finish Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
  • Plan for theme camps
  • Start running everyday
  • Catch up on "Vampire Diaries" from the past few weeks
  • Lay out by the pool
  • Take vacations to the beach
  • Start work at 131 Main
Any more summer suggestions?

"Are you feeling, feeling, feeling like I'm feeling
Like I'm floating, floating, up above that big blue ocean
Sand beneath our feet, big blue sky above our heads,
No need to keep stressing from our everyday life on our minds
We have got to leave all that behind..."
-Avett Brothers

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Friday was my last day of internship, and therefore my last day with 75 fifth graders that I've dedicated my semester to.

It was honestly one of the saddest days that I've had to experience.  It was so nice to be able to see how much of an impact we have all had on each one of these students, and I can honestly say that I am so ready and excited to have my own classroom.  I have definitely chosen the correct profession for myself.

I have spent the weekend celebrating the end of a looong semester, and now I have to finish up some school work before I can submit projects tomorrow and be officially done Wednesday! :)  It's a weird feeling.

It is hard for me to imagine moving back home and not living in Boone anymore, which happens officially on Wednesday.  I hate moving and I hate packing, so it should be a long few days of getting everything in boxes and then unpacked and put away at home.

I cannot wait to be sitting right here.  Ahh, summer, so soon!

Monday, April 25, 2011

What a day.

Today was the last Monday I had to wake up at 515 am for a very long time!  I am so sad though, because that means that I only have 4 more days with my 5th graders, and a week left living in Boone, ever.  I have way too much to do in between now and then.

Crazy! I cannot believe time has gone by so fast.  It's weird to think about.

How does time go by so fast?  I feel like it was last semester that I was a freshman.

It's definitely stressful.  Student teaching will be here soon, and then it's real world bound for me!

Tonight will be a night full of reflection editing and projects, as I'm sure most nights of this week will be, but it's the last one!

Enough procrastinating for me, time to get busy!

"at the end of the day, faith is a funny thing. it turns up when you least expect it. it's like one day you realize that the fairy tale may be slightly different than you dreamed. the castle well, it may not be a castle. and it's not so important that its happy ever after. just that it's happy right now. see, once in a while once in a blue moon, people will surprise you, and once in a while, people may even take your breath away."
-greys anatomy

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Lazy Saturday..

Ohh how I love weekends!  This one has been very full of school work, but I at least feel like I have gotten something productive done.

I decided last minute on Thursday to go down to Presbyterian College in Clinton, South Carolina to visit my best friend.  Going down there is always an adventure, so I was really excited and we had a lot of fun.  It's such a small school in such a small town so it's definitely a culture shock every time, but so much fun.

 The rest of the weekend I've pretty much just been laying around and working on homework.  I absolutely cannot wait for this semester to be over and my massive workload to be done as well.

I went to see Water for Elephants last night.  If you have never read the book or thought about seeing the movie, you need to.  It is one of the most entertaining books I've ever read.  The movie is a little more "tame" (to make it PG-13) but follows the book pretty well.  I was so impressed.  This might just be one movie I will go see more than once in theaters!

Now I'm off to work on some more school work...only two more weeks!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I was wasting time stumbling today, and stumbled across "100 ways to uncomplicate your life"  Can it really be that easy? 

1. Don’t try to read other people’s minds

2. Get up 30 minutes earlier so that you don’t rush/get a ticket while driving too fast/have to explain why you’re late/get fired

3. Get 8 hours of sleep per night so that you think more clearly

4. Stick to your budget

5. Start saving and investing every week, no matter how little you can spare

6. Balance your checkbook

7. Don’t try to be friends with everyone. Cultivate closer relationships with fewer people.

8. Don’t try to do business with everyone. Identify your target client and take very good care of them.

9. Before getting angry, ask yourself if it will really matter in 20 years

10. Focus on being a good person, not on pleasing others

11. Stay home this Saturday, and finish off that nagging chore that you need to finish

12. Kiss and make up

13. Make a weekly menu, and shop for only those items at the market

14. Ask your grandparents the best way to uncomplicate life, and try it for a month

15. Fill up your gas tank when it’s half full

16. Don’t drink alcohol when you’re tired, sad or mad

17. Pay your bills on time

18. Get an annual physical examination

19. Say “I love you” to your significant other and to your children. Studies show that more marriages last, and fewer kids use drugs, when these words are spoken every day.

20. For just one day, imagine everyone’s intentions are good because most people’s are

21. Give away clothes that haven’t been worn in two years

22. Throw out clothes that are in disrepair, and can’t be mended

23. When you have a conflict with someone, talk it out. Don’t let it turn into more than it is.

24. Know what your priorities are in life, and act as if they are your priorities

25. Tell the truth

26. Don’t cheat

27. Don’t steal

28. If you’re holding on to a ridiculous grudge, let it go

29. Clean your house weekly, so that it doesn’t become too large a chore

30. Do your best at work, or at school

31. Don’t eat when you aren’t hungry

32. Eat when you are hungry

33. Be yourself

34. Say no unapologetically

35. Cook simple meals

36. Don’t try to keep up with the Joneses

37. Pay off your car before buying a new one

38. Organize your desk at the office

39. Change your smoke alarm batteries when the clocks spring forward, and again when they fall back

40. Organize your important paperwork

41. Take only half the clothes that you planned to take with you on holiday

42. Help your children with their homework every night, and have an open dialogue with their teachers

43. Have white sheets and white towels in children’s rooms/bathrooms, because they’re easily bleached

44. Spend your time with nice people

45. Avoid drama

46. Don’t text or talk on the phone while driving

47. Turn off the television/video games/computer; they’re time consumers

48. Don’t engage in office politics

49. Refuse to gossip, or talk behind other people’s backs

50. Do the dishes right after dinner

51. Never go to sleep angry

52. Ask nicely for what you need and want

53. Walk 10,000 steps per day to help your heart

54. Do 20 push-ups before speaking in anger

55. Leave work at work

56. Don’t befriend anyone that isn’t trustworthy

57. Don’t envy others

58. Have your oil changed

59. Take vitamin C BEFORE you catch a cold

60. Don’t work more than 8 hours per day

61. Weed your garden weekly

62. Wash your car weekly

63. Have a spring cleaning month every year, and do one room at a time

64. You don’t need to be best friends with work colleagues, but build respectful partnerships

65. Don’t drink and drive

66. Don’t look for reasons to be angry or sad, look for reasons to be happy. You’ll always be able to find plenty of each.

67. Be friendly with your neighbors

68. Return emails and phone messages promptly

69. Schedule in free time

70. Don’t procrastinate

71. Do what you say you’ll do, when you say you’ll do it

72. Be more flexible when you’re able to be

73. Forgive and forget. End of story.

74. Break the consumerism habit…put a three month moratorium in place on buying anything not deemed a necessity

75. Start your diet on September 1, rather than January 1, so that you won’t also have holiday pounds to lose

76. Take care of any health issues or concerns

77. Have your tires rotated

78. Have your brakes checked

79. Have your eyes checked

80. Don’t let your imagination run away with you

81. Let go of perfection in others

82. Let go of perfection in yourself

83. Don’t try to help those that refuse to help themselves

84. Find a way to reduce your commute to work

85. Have an allotted amount of worry time per day/week, that you strictly abide by

86. Drink more water

87. Eat more salmon

88. Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill

89. Wear your hair in a classic, easy to care for style

90. Finish what you start

91. Wear classic clothes and shoes that never go out of style

92. Create a daily routine

93. Have a 1, 5, 10 and 20 year plan for your financial and life goals

94. Slow down

95. Eat out less often

96. When you ask your husband which outfit looks best, thank him for his answer and wear the one he liked rather than focusing on why he didn’t like the other one

97. Allow your children to grow up

98. Clean out your garage, and donate anything that hasn’t been used in the past year

99. Stretch every day

100. If a relationship is over, let it go
It's definitely time to uncomplicate my life.  Any other suggestions to add to the list?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Home again..

Well here I am, once again in Charlotte.  I'm getting very sick of the drive down the mountain and I feel like that's all I've been doing lately!

But since the kiddos are on spring break, I only had to endure two short days of classes and get the rest of the week off for spring break numero dos. Horray!

What to do with this five day weekend, you might ask?  Well, don't worry, I have plenty to do to occupy my time.  Most of which includes three huuuge projects for school that I have to finish.

I think my favorite thing about this week is this:

I'm almost finished reading the book and I'm obsessed.  If you haven't read it yet: you definitely should!   I've been in a really big reading mood lately, even though I definitely do not have the time.  I cannot wait until summer so I have much more free time to read to my heart's content and not have to worry about school and projects and IDPs and Multi text units and whatever other projects block II decides to throw my way.

Speaking of all these fabulous projects, I have got to get working on them so I'm not working all night long!

Happy Spring Break to me!

Monday, April 18, 2011


I have been in such an awful, terrible mood lately and I feel like nothing in my life has gone right.  That being said, I think it is definitely time for me to take a few minutes and list all of the things I am thankful for. Okay, not all of the things because that would take forever.

Good friends.

My wonderful roommate.  Sometimes I don't know how she puts up with my crazy life.

My blackberry.  Even though I hate it at times, I don't have a clue what I would do without it. 

The fact that I am two weeks away from being done with school.

Student teaching in the fall! 

Having a 5 day weekend coming up! 

Two of the most precious little brothers ever, who hate taking pictures but always put a smile on my face.

It's time for me to get out of my funk, and to start being in a good mood again!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Hello world

Well, here I am, pretending to be a "real" blogger.  You will have to bear with me for a little while so I can get my blog up and running!

There is never a dull moment in my life these days, so hopefully I'll always have something interesting to blog about.

Today's blog is inspired by one of my favorite quotes.

"You're going to come across people in your life who will say all the right words at all the right times. But in the end, it's always their actions you should judge them by. It's actions, not words, that matter."

This hit me hard.  I am a sucker for a sweet talker, so to speak.  I have been known to fall into the same trap over and over again, and it is not fair.  Not for me and definitely not for the people that have to listen to me complain about it all the time.  I'm trying though!

This week starts my week without my 5th graders, since it's their spring break.  You'd think after the overnight field trip from last week, I'd be ready for this break...don't get me wrong.  I definitely am, but I miss them!  It's crazy to think that I only have one more full week left with them.

Now, it's off to bed for me! I have class bright and early. Goodnight world!