Saturday, April 23, 2011

Lazy Saturday..

Ohh how I love weekends!  This one has been very full of school work, but I at least feel like I have gotten something productive done.

I decided last minute on Thursday to go down to Presbyterian College in Clinton, South Carolina to visit my best friend.  Going down there is always an adventure, so I was really excited and we had a lot of fun.  It's such a small school in such a small town so it's definitely a culture shock every time, but so much fun.

 The rest of the weekend I've pretty much just been laying around and working on homework.  I absolutely cannot wait for this semester to be over and my massive workload to be done as well.

I went to see Water for Elephants last night.  If you have never read the book or thought about seeing the movie, you need to.  It is one of the most entertaining books I've ever read.  The movie is a little more "tame" (to make it PG-13) but follows the book pretty well.  I was so impressed.  This might just be one movie I will go see more than once in theaters!

Now I'm off to work on some more school work...only two more weeks!!

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