What a weekend. It's Saturday night, and yes I'm chillin' out at home.
I sat down today and really got thinking about how much my life has changed in the past year. A year ago I moved out of my apartment with my best friend and had a fabulous month to spend with my then-boyfriend doing nothing but taking trips to Savannah, visiting the zoo, and thought I had the rest of my life planned and sorted out. I knew last year exactly where I would be in a year.
Now here I am, home again from school but this time for good, and 100% single. I can honestly say I haven't been that way in a while, and that I have no idea where I will be in a year, and it's a pretty scary thought. With graduation only 6 months away, I still have no idea where I will be student teaching, where I'll be living, where I will find a job.
I sometimes sit and just wonder where life will take me. I know it's all part of God's plan, but not knowing just sucks.. It's been a few of the most life changing and eye opening times in my life. And honestly, I hate it.
I hate not knowing anything. I've always been the person to plan out every detail of everything, and it's a weird feeling not being able to. It's time for me to let go.
Anyway, enough of my whining. I've been so thankful these past few weeks to really find out who my real friends are, as cliche as that sounds. I'm thankful to have some of the best friends I could ask for, who I know will sit and listen to me complain or cry for any extended period of time, and I don't know what I would do without them.
I had a pretty long night last night, so here I am sitting and recovering writing to you all. But, tomorrow is Mother's Day. It's always an interesting day, because I don't live with my mom or anywhere near my mom. I have to split my time in between my step-mom and my mom. My life without either of them would be drastically different.
I feel like way too often, step-moms get a bad rep. Why? I don't know. I've essentially grown up with mine though, since I was 7. It's crazy to think about how long I've actually known her and all the ways she has influenced my life. I'd be lost without her!
Now it's time for me to catch up on my reading list which has been neglected for far too long. Tonight starts Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Anyone read it?
Night all!
Quote of the day:
"Your destiny never depends on anyone or anything that leaves your life. Or on a desire that doesn’t end up being fulfilled. Let go of what you wanted."
-Pastor Steven Furtick
Cam! We need to chat. Like pronto. I love you girl & you know you can ALWAYS talk to me!