Friday, November 4, 2011

Quack Quack.

Today is one of the best days of the year.  It's practically a holiday.  A day full of camo, orange, and lots of festivities.

What is this fabulous holiday, you might ask?

Mallard Ball.

Unfortunately, I'm too much of a workaholic lately that I forgot to take off work tomorrow and wont be at this fabulous celebration tonight. 

Mallard Ball, 2010
Best Mallard Ball date. Ever

Sometimes I really regret that I'm graduating early.  Not living near campus and being inactive from my sorority had really taken its toll on my social life.  Anyway, since I'm in depression about this whole missing out on my last semester of college deal, I decided to take a break from school for the weekend and relax.  That is right. No lesson plans, no grading papers, and most of all, no impact project. And I cannot wait. 

I had this whole long blog post planned out for today, and unfortunately, the sight of old mallard pictures made me too upset to write a happy-go-lucky post.
What are you looking forward to this weekend?

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