Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Home again..

Well here I am, once again in Charlotte.  I'm getting very sick of the drive down the mountain and I feel like that's all I've been doing lately!

But since the kiddos are on spring break, I only had to endure two short days of classes and get the rest of the week off for spring break numero dos. Horray!

What to do with this five day weekend, you might ask?  Well, don't worry, I have plenty to do to occupy my time.  Most of which includes three huuuge projects for school that I have to finish.

I think my favorite thing about this week is this:

I'm almost finished reading the book and I'm obsessed.  If you haven't read it yet: you definitely should!   I've been in a really big reading mood lately, even though I definitely do not have the time.  I cannot wait until summer so I have much more free time to read to my heart's content and not have to worry about school and projects and IDPs and Multi text units and whatever other projects block II decides to throw my way.

Speaking of all these fabulous projects, I have got to get working on them so I'm not working all night long!

Happy Spring Break to me!

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