Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sunday Summer Six

This weekend went by in a is it Sunday already?! 

This week, here are 6 things I am thankful for...
1. NASCAR races with good friends.  Last night, was the All-Star race.  Even though I missed the morning festivities due to camp training, I still managed to squeeze in enough fun to break my shorts, lose my keys, and prance around in the rain. Stories all for another time.
photo.JPG  photo.JPG 

2. EOGs being OVER this week! In North Carolina, all students 3rd grade and up take "End of Grade" tests and ours are coming up starting tomorrow.  Seriously--this will be the best feeling ever! 

3. EOGs being over mean... only 14 school days until summer! Anyone who teaches knows how restless kids are this time of the year.  I'm not sure who is more ready for a break--them or me!
Funny Workplace Ecard: Yeah, I don't care what you do. I'm too busy counting down the days when this cardigan becomes a bikini and the chalk becomes a margarita!

4. Lazy Sundays.There is nothing I love more than not having anything to do on Sundays but lay on my couch and watch movies.  Today's lineup includes some of my favorites: The Little Rascals, Law Abiding Citizen, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. 

5. Cute phone cases.  I bought this one on etsy a few weeks ago! Not only is it super cute, but it was very affordable.  I have seen some of them for $30-40 but these were only $13!  I love it but I am already ready to order more!  Check out some of these cute cases!

6. Family time.  I am thankful enough to only live about 15 minutes away from my family.  Today is my little brother's 4th birthday so we are celebrating tonight.  It is hard to believe that it has been four years since this little nugget joined our family! 

(one day he may kill me for this picture...)

What things are you thankful for this week?

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