I think colds come on right at the worst possible time.
You know, right when you have a ton of stuff going on, everything is going great, then BOOM. I feel it coming on today.
Hopefully it passes soon.
I was talking the other day with a teacher I work with and she said something that really stuck with me. She said she wants to the be type of person that other people look at and say "wow, I really want to be like her."
It got me thinking. Am I the type of person that people look at and want to be like? I'm not sure. But that is the type of person that I want to start being. When I'm stressed out, I tend to have a short fuse with people. Let me tell ya, I've been pretty stressed out lately. I feel like I'm ruining something great without even meaning to. Therefore, comes my 21st birthday resolutions:
1. Don't sweat the small stuff. I mean really. Does it really matter if someone looks at me the wrong way or says something that sits with me funny?
2. Stop believing the worst in everyone. I'm really bad about this one. I jump to conclusions and always think the worst.
3. Give as much as I can. I know people get wrapped up in Christmas and the "giving" spirit, but I want mine to last all year round. God has blessed me more than enough, and there is no reason for me not to give back.
4. Be more thankful. Going back to #3, God has blessed me with more than enough. There is no reason for me to take it for granted. I have been blessed with the ability to work, a wonderful family, and a roof over my head.
5. Leave the rest to God. Enough said.
So there they are. My 5 "21st Birthday Resolutions." (even though they'll start a week before my actual birthday.)