Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunday blues...

I think colds come on right at the worst possible time.

You know, right when you have a ton of stuff going on, everything is going great, then BOOM. I feel it coming on today.

Hopefully it passes soon.

I was talking the other day with a teacher I work with and she said something that really stuck with me.  She said she wants to the be type of person that other people look at and say "wow, I really want to be like her."

It got me thinking.  Am I the type of person that people look at and want to be like?  I'm not sure. But that is the type of person that I want to start being.  When I'm stressed out, I tend to have a short fuse with people. Let me tell ya, I've been pretty stressed out lately.  I feel like I'm ruining something great without even meaning to.  Therefore, comes my 21st birthday resolutions:
1.  Don't sweat the small stuff.  I mean really.  Does it really matter if someone looks at me the wrong way or says something that sits with me funny?
2.  Stop believing the worst in everyone. I'm really bad about this one.  I jump to conclusions and always think the worst.  
3.  Give as much as I can. I know people get wrapped up in Christmas and the "giving" spirit, but I want mine to last all year round.  God has blessed me more than enough, and there is no reason for me not to give back. 
4. Be more thankful.  Going back to #3, God has blessed me with more than enough.  There is no reason for me to take it for granted.  I have been blessed with the ability to work, a wonderful family, and a roof over my head.  
5. Leave the rest to God.  Enough said. 

So there they are.  My 5 "21st Birthday Resolutions."  (even though they'll start a week before my actual birthday.)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

blah, blah, blah

I hate to get on here and only rant, but today? That's about all I've got.

1. I seriously can't stand people who blame anyone and everyone else for their problems.  Seriously? get a life.
2. I can't stand when people don't do your job.  You were hired for a reason.  You decided to show up to work for a reason.  Stop being lazy, and do the job you were hired to do.  
3. I can't stand liars.  Seriously? I am the world's worst liar, and therefore I think it makes me a human lie detector.  Stop lying and own up to your decisions.
4. This rain is horrible.  So over it.
5. More episodes of Desperate Housewives need to come to Netflix.  I'm almost out.
6. I know it's almost Thanksgiving and everything, but my kids seriously need to calm down.  You'd think it was a full moon.

That's all I've got for today.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Test day anxiety ...

I think over the years I have learned to hate standardized tests of any type.  I know sometimes they may be necessary, but really? Is teaching to the test really as beneficial as teaching the information that students need in order to progress and succeed in life?  I'll save that rant for another day.

This morning, I'm about to go take the Praxis II which determines not only if I can get a teaching license, but a job in January.  aka: it's a big deal.  I've already taken half of it with means this morning all I have to take is the writing portion.  But did I study? Not nearly as much as I probably should have.

I have never been great at studying.  I've learned to get by over the years without studying at all.  My philosophy? If I can get by with an A- not studying at all, why be the overachiever trying to be that person we all hate who make 100s on everything? 

I hope it doesn't come back and bite me in the butt this time! 

Also on the agenda for this weekend is shopping for a birthday dress (15 more days! ahh!) and the Panthers vs. Tennessee game tomorrow with daddy! 

Hope everyone has a spectacular fall weekend!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Vow.

It's very rare that just a 2 minute trailer can make me cry.  This one did me in last night, though.

If you haven't seen it yet,

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Ohh, Tuesdays.

Is anyone else just as ready for this long weekend as I am?  
I know my kids are.  As much as I love them, they have just been wild lately.  I never raise my voice with them--ever.  Yesterday, I did just that.  I feel like sometimes I am speaking another language without even realizing it.  I think we are all ready for a nice long break. 

Lately, my addiction to Desperate Housewives has become slightly ridiculous. 

Netflix is killing taking over my free time.  For some reason, I have totally submerged my life in the lives of the women on Wisteria Lane.  Unhealthy or a nice brain break from reality?

Sorry for such a short post--too exhausted for tonight! More to come tomorrow.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Quack Quack.

Today is one of the best days of the year.  It's practically a holiday.  A day full of camo, orange, and lots of festivities.

What is this fabulous holiday, you might ask?

Mallard Ball.

Unfortunately, I'm too much of a workaholic lately that I forgot to take off work tomorrow and wont be at this fabulous celebration tonight. 

Mallard Ball, 2010
Best Mallard Ball date. Ever

Sometimes I really regret that I'm graduating early.  Not living near campus and being inactive from my sorority had really taken its toll on my social life.  Anyway, since I'm in depression about this whole missing out on my last semester of college deal, I decided to take a break from school for the weekend and relax.  That is right. No lesson plans, no grading papers, and most of all, no impact project. And I cannot wait. 

I had this whole long blog post planned out for today, and unfortunately, the sight of old mallard pictures made me too upset to write a happy-go-lucky post.
What are you looking forward to this weekend?

Thursday, November 3, 2011

King Kong.

I think Thursdays are my favorite days of the week.  Why? 1. It means tomorrow is Friday. 2. It means playground day for recess.

I have two autistic children in my classroom, and they are probably the most precious students ever.  (Actually, I think I was blessed with the most adorable 3rd grade class ever. I am so thankful.)
Anyway, while on the playground today, one of them, we can call him "J" decided that he was going to be King Kong.  He climbed up on part of the spiral thing on the playground (you know, the thing you can climb up that is in a spiral shape that no one can really figure out what they were for?), holds on with one hand, leans out, and starts beating on his chest like a monkey. 

I swear, sometimes my kids make my whole day.

I was thinking today that I get too wrapped up in my class and in school work that I forget to think about myself. Funny how teaching can do that to you.  I sat down to begin my Christmas and Birthday lists today.  Normally, with my birthday 3 weeks away, I would have been finished for a month! I honestly can't think of anything to put on these lists!  Any suggestions?

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I'm back, na na na na na.

Well I'm back!  For good this time, I promise!

What have I been doing since I've been gone, you might ask?

Teaching.  Since student teaching has started, I have devoted basically every ounce of my heart and soul to my 3rd graders, and I have loved every moment of it.  There is truly nothing like going into school everyday and having a class of twenty 8 and 9 year olds to make you feel like a rock star.  I cannot believe that it has flown by, and I'll be graduating in a month and a half!

Working.  In addition to teaching 5 days a week, I also work as a hostess at a nice restaurant here in Charlotte.  I try to work about 3 or 4 shifts a week in order to start saving up my money for after graduation.  While it is exhausting going from school to work, I enjoy being able to do something that gets my mind off school every once in a while. 

Papers.  This whole impact project for student teaching?  Sucks.  I'm so ready to submit the final product next week.  Then I'm officially done with papers for undergrad career.

Having fun.  The new boy in my life has made me incredibly happy.  More about it will come, I promise:).

I've been absolutely loving life lately, even though I feel like it is flying by. 

I would love to fill you all in on the past few months, but there is too much work to be done for tonight!