Day 1: Picture of yourself and 10 random facts
This picture was taken on my last day of my internship with 5th graders. I miss them all everyday!
- My favorite time of the day is when the sun is going down, right before sunset. I love how the sky changes colors and the way the sun makes everything look prettier.
- Being near a body of water always has the ability to calm me down and make me feel better. It doesn't matter if it's a lake, river, ocean, etc. It instantly puts me in a better mood.
- I'm addicted to crime TV shows. I could watch Law and Order: SVU, Criminal Minds, CSI, and NCIS all day long.
- I know I talk about it all the time, but I am also addicted to camp. I love the sight of kid running around playing in the field, climbing the rock wall, counselors singing with their campers, shooting bows and arrows, swimming, doing arts and crafts, and being silly. This is going to be my third summer working at camp, and the past two have definitely been the best and most rewarding summers of my life.
- Sometimes I really think that diet coke still is made with cocaine, because it is so addicting. I could drink it at any time of the day, all day long. I could say the same about a good glass of sweet ice tea.
- I love traveling, and I wish I had unlimited money so I could travel everywhere I want. I love being able to experience the culture and see famous landmarks and just get out of my ordinary, everyday routine. (and yes, I did take the pictures in my header in France and Japan)
- I have never really lived anywhere other than my hometown (I feel like my three years in a small college town don't count). I have plans in the works to change this after graduation in December, but won't give away all the details yet, until I know for sure!
- My siblings are the best. I have two little brothers (when I say little, I mean 2 and 4 years old) who are so full of energy and fun. They can drive me crazy sometimes, but I wouldn't ever trade them for anything. I also have two sisters. They are not so young, but I love them as well:)
- I cannot wait to start teaching and to have a classroom of my own. I love being with kids and teaching them and seeing the positive influence that I can have.
- Passing of time never ceases to amaze me. It is crazy how time flies by sometimes. I wish I could press pause or at least slow it down!