Hello there! It's that time of the week again... Sunday Six! This weeks edition: six things I loved about this week.
1. Week 3 of camp! My week days lately have been filled with sunshine, children, and fun. It is unbelievable that tomorrow starts week 4....
2. Outdoor fun:
Yesterday, I talked a few friends into spending the day outside hiking. We drove up to Crowder's Mountain State Park and had a blast hiking up. It was absolutely beautiful!
3.Animal fun
This week has been full of animals. Dogs, cats, and even pigs! Considering I've been allergic to cats my whole life, I have never had the opportunity to play with a lot of cats. Thankfully, I've seemed to grow out of that allergy lately. Some of my friends are out of town, so I've gotten to play with their cat while they are gone! Seriously, how cute is Max?
Piggy play time on Friday night
Topaz and her cousin, Zola!
4. "Lame" Friday nights.
I didn't go out much this weekend--but I did get to catch up on some rest! Friday night was spent with friends, drinks, and board games (that may or may not have lasted until 5AM...) We all need a chill night every now and then.
5. Family time
I think this picture pretty much sums up my family. Never a dull moment with a 4 and 6 year old brother!
6. House decorating
After seeing many cute posts on Pinterest, I decided to make my own gallery wall! I know there are a couple empty spots, but I'm really liking how it is coming together so far. Look for more about the gallery wall later on this week!
I hope everyone had a wonderful week!