Friday, June 1, 2012

Jumping in..

Lots of big things have happened lately. I feel like I really am, finally, "jumping in" to life.

1. I moved! I love my family and I loved living at home, but it was time to move out and on my own.  I now live alone in a 2 bedroom condo and I am loving it. What could be better than getting to walk around naked without anyone getting offended? (just kidding..kind of)   I always thought that I would hate being alone. If I can be completely honest, I'm not even sure I want a roommate anymore.  I have felt strangely independent recently, and I think it's good for me.

2.. I  got a job!  As many of you know, I absolutely love the school that I student taught in and have been working in ever since.  However, since no jobs were open there when I graduated, I decided to branch out and apply to other schools as a back up.  Well, I was offered a job after my very first interview about 12 hours after the interview.  It just so happens that this school is about 5 minutes away from my new condo.  If that isn't a work of God aligning the stars right just for me, I'm not sure what is.

3. As the school year comes to a close, camp is just beginning.  I LOVE camp season.  As much as I might complain about it being hot and exhausting, there is nothing that I would rather do with my summer days than spend it around 300 kids and counselors, planning out activities, cutting things out, organizing glitter, and calling parents.  I joke about it, but I probably will literally work at camp forever.  This is my 4th summer at the Y camp, but second summer as theme camp director.  I mean really, what could be more fun than pirate camp, animal camp, or cowboy camp?

 What big things have happened for you lately?