Friday, June 1, 2012

Jumping in..

Lots of big things have happened lately. I feel like I really am, finally, "jumping in" to life.

1. I moved! I love my family and I loved living at home, but it was time to move out and on my own.  I now live alone in a 2 bedroom condo and I am loving it. What could be better than getting to walk around naked without anyone getting offended? (just kidding..kind of)   I always thought that I would hate being alone. If I can be completely honest, I'm not even sure I want a roommate anymore.  I have felt strangely independent recently, and I think it's good for me.

2.. I  got a job!  As many of you know, I absolutely love the school that I student taught in and have been working in ever since.  However, since no jobs were open there when I graduated, I decided to branch out and apply to other schools as a back up.  Well, I was offered a job after my very first interview about 12 hours after the interview.  It just so happens that this school is about 5 minutes away from my new condo.  If that isn't a work of God aligning the stars right just for me, I'm not sure what is.

3. As the school year comes to a close, camp is just beginning.  I LOVE camp season.  As much as I might complain about it being hot and exhausting, there is nothing that I would rather do with my summer days than spend it around 300 kids and counselors, planning out activities, cutting things out, organizing glitter, and calling parents.  I joke about it, but I probably will literally work at camp forever.  This is my 4th summer at the Y camp, but second summer as theme camp director.  I mean really, what could be more fun than pirate camp, animal camp, or cowboy camp?

 What big things have happened for you lately?

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Creepy crawlies.

I love my job. I can't say that enough.

I'm terrified of bugs. Petrified. Completely irrational, I know, but it is what it is. anything creepy and crawly is not for me.

The air conditioning is not turned on in the building yet and for anyone who lives near me knows that it was very warm today. That being said, my windows were wide open allll day today from 7am on. Well apparently during the course of the day, several little critters came into my classroom. I was perfectly intent to let them stay right where they were (I mean hey, the bugs weren't bothering me at all); however, my kids wanted them gone. Well, of course I was not going to pick them up or even get near them. I had to go across the hall to get a student from my student teaching class whom I knew would save the day. She proceeded to come in and pick up the bugs to take them outside where none of us could hurt them.

Talk about courage. Sometimes I wish I were as fearless as an 8 year old.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Spring color

I am loving all the color this spring. I've been out a lot the past few days and have been craving color!

Thank goodness for spring! :)

Here are some things on my wish list:

J. Crew. Love them!

Source: via Cameron on Pinterest

When I find this dress, it will be mine

Skinnies, please!

Source: via Cameron on Pinterest

Turquoise and Caicos. One of my favorites.

Essie's spring line.

What colors are you craving this spring?

Monday, March 12, 2012

The whirlwind life...

Teaching is such a whirlwind, to say the least. It seems like I just graduated last week and here it is now, almost spring break. I cannot believe I've been in my own classroom for almost 2 full months now. Crazy.

I'm so thankful to have found a job already that I absolutely love. I get to wake up every morning and do what I'm passionate about. How did I get so blessed, seriously?

My dad and I were talking the other day about choices and be really said something that has stuck with me. Choices, whether good or bad, define your life. I was sitting down today talking with a good friend talking about this same thing. The only person that has control over your life and your happiness is ultimately you. Bad things happen. But it's your choice of your reaction to it that you control. Is it really worth sweating the small stuff? Is it really worth trying to force something that isn't meant to happen and choosing to get upset about it? At the end of the day, life is way too short to spend it uptight and irritated at things you have no control over. You can't go back and change the past and you can't change what other people do and how they act. I've been trying to keep this attitude up lately.

Hope everyone has had a great Monday!